Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Farewell South America!

I've been in South America for about two months now.  I've travelled thousands of miles and seen lots of amazing places.  I visited a Pacific island with some ancient stone statues, hiked up a mountain that was 6,000m high, drove around the driest desert on earth, and saw miles and miles of salt flats.

I've been to three countries during my South American odyssey: Bolivia, Chile and Peru.  People speak Spanish in all of them and I've learned quite a few phrases.  I hope I don't forget them when I get back to Birmingham.

I'm feeling quite tired now though.  It's difficult for someone who's only about ten centimetres tall to travel such a long way!  I think it's time for a rest so I'm heading back to Bournville School to catch up with Robin and his friends.  I've got a lot of stories to tell them and I'm sure they've got a lot to tell me as well.

I just hope I make it back in time for the welcome home party with all the other stuffed travellers!

I've enjoyed blogging from South America and I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog too.  Hasta luego! (Until next time!)

Wenlock (homeward bound)

PS.  I've discovered that 'odysseys' are just as exciting as they sound, so I'm glad I chose that title for my blog!

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