Monday, 12 January 2015

Abseiling To The Beach!

Hi.  I've been visiting Thailand.  I stayed in a beautiful place by the sea called Tonsai Bay.  

Auntie Susan and Guy went rock climbing most days.  I didn't fancy climbing as I'm quite small but I climbed up some ladders into these caves.  They were quite dark inside and I had to use a headtorch to see my way up the ladder.  

There was a brilliant view of the sea.  Can you spot the islands out in the bay?

Here's another view of the beach from the caves.  There are lots of boats.  You can't get to Tonsai Bay by car as there aren't any roads so you have to go by boat.  

You see all the cliffs behind the beach?  Well, that's where Auntie Susan and Uncle Guy went climbing.  They also took kayaks on the sea one day.

The caves were quite high in the cliff, a long way above the beach.  To get down, we had to abseil.  I'm too small to have my own climbing harness so I abseiled in Auntie Susan's pocket.  I enjoyed the view but I was quite happy to get my feet on the ground again.

I'm enjoying being by the sea in Thailand where it's nice and warm.  I reckon it's quite cold in Birmingham right now but this is the sunniest time of year in Thailand.  Lucky me!

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